T aking a little break to... * work on some home projects * focus on a new ministry * recharge my batteries... and about a hundred other t...
Sunday Scripture- Jan 24, 2010
Sunday Scripture: Jordan River, Israel These things took place in Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing. The next day he saw J...
T his funny, beautiful , prickly vegetable is a culinary marvel . I wonder, who on earth was the first one to try to eat it? I just don...
H ow To Eat An Artichoke is coming soon. Something is wrong with Picasa and I cannot get images from my computer to Picasa. I get an erro...
Diamond Napkin Fold
D on't let the attractive fold of this napkin fool you. It is not just a pretty face, but a hard worker too. It does double duty as a ...
Weekly Menu, January 17 ~ 23, 2011

I f you take my menu this week at face value, you WILL gain 10 pounds by just reading it! I would not usually make so many rich filling ...
Sunday Scripture, January 16, 2010
Makhtesh (Crater) Ramon, Negev Israel Blessed are you who give yourselves over to God, turn your back on the world's "sure thing...
Feed The Birds
D on't forget to feed our little feathered friends this winter. Especially if you live in an area that is snow covered. Birds need a l...