For those of us who say no, think hard...
I don't think of myself as a collector, and if asked I would say I fall into the "no" category. But, that is not necessarily so! It has been said that if you have 3 of a kind it is a collection. With that in mind I do have a few things that I collect and make my heart go pitter pat!
Dishes are my biggest obsession and collection. I would say I have more dishes than most, but not as much as the average tablescaper.
I collect white dishes...
Peach lustreware... This is probably a legitimate collection, as true collections go. I have been picking up pieces of this pearlized dishware for 2 decades! There is just something about it's pretty color...sigh!
And pitchers, a recent flight of fancy! White ones in particular.
I have white pitchers here and there all over my house! These recently purchases pitchers sit above my kitchen cabinets.
Small ones on one side...
And bigger ones (plus an old ironstone coffee pot) on the top of another cabinet.
Here at StoneGable pitchers hold more than liquids. They are the keepers of silver flatwares.
But, some sweet pitches are best holding flowers!
This is the newest member of my collection family. Picked up at Bed, Bath and Beyond while looking for a wedding shower gift, it has a nice simple style and was very inexpensive!
That's it... well almost.
Here's just a couple pieces of my blue and white collection!
On my collection wishlist is brown and white transferware... this one lonely piece would surely enjoy some company!
So, what do you collect? I would love to know!
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