Dried Flower Christmas Tree, Winterthur

As a part of my of "Christmas at Winterthur" series I am bringing a drop dead gorgeous tree for you to enjoy!

Placed in a room all of it's own with low light, this lush evergreen stands center stage, full of the best of the 2009 garden season. When I first saw this tree I audibly gasped! The pictures do not do it justice. I have never seen anything like it!

Beautiful, beautiful flowers covers almost every inch!  I never knew flowers could be preserved to keep so much of their summer freshness. They were crowded into a huge bouquet-of-a-tree!
I love happy sunny zinnias, and the tree was full of them! What a delight!

The base of the tree was hidden by a gentle ruffled, golden grid material. Soft and not overpowering.

The tree was topped with pink and white snapdragons. A fabulous crowning touch!

This Christmas tree was so unusual and stunning!

There is still more! Check back for a couple more trees and a gorgeous staircase! I will also be posting my tree too!


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