Meet my new BFF Meghan Carter! She and I go everywhere together lately!
Meghan's first book THE MEGHAN METHOD is my constant companion! It is a detailed "step-by-step guide to decorating your home in your style." I can really relate to that!
Meghan does not have a degree in interior design... but she is one very smart and creative cookie!
The creator of Ask The Decorator, Meghan has crossed the country using her Journalism degree to interview interior design experts! On her journey she found all kinds of industry secrets... and a love for the subject she writes about!
I am absolutely devouring this goldmine-of-a-design book... More of a how-to be your own confident decorator book... and not so much look at all the pretty pictures kind of book!
At first glance THE MEGHAN METHOD could pass for a coffee table book.. it is big and heavy and attractive! But it reads like a textbook...only creative, and full of thoughtful exercises and ton and tons of tips!
I am very impressed with this book and would highly recommend it for all you non degreed interior designers out there who just need a some design knowledge and a formula for making your designs work.
"ALL YOU NEED TO DECORATE (Meghan's quote):
Confidence (what you bring)
Knowledge (what I give)
You will have plenty of both by the time we're done".
I got my signed copy on
See you for TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS this evening at 8:00!

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