I get that weak kneed, pulse racing feeling anytime I am near a dish.
Some people collect Hummels, some trains... I collect dishes!
The Tablescaper is celebrating her second bloggiversary and is hosting a party called...

I love a good party so of course I am joining in!
Today I am showing you my new dish cupboard... plus a couple of peeks at my new kitchen.
Last month, Bobby took one of the closets that flank our front door ...
And made a new dish closet for me. The wonderful thing about this closet is that it is right off my dining room and close to my kitchen. Easy access!
Nothing fancy, not even painted, but very very sturdy!
I keep my "colorful everyday" dishes in here. My good china sets are in the buffet and dining room built-in. The white dishes, well you will see a little peek later in this post. And Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter dishes are packed away in the basement.
I try to LOOSELY organize the dishes by color. Flatware, candles and napkin rings are all boxed and stored in the same area. I can remember where everything is at this point. But I'm thinking it might be a good idea to make a photo file of my inventory. A label on each box would not hurt either!
We are converting the other closet, that flanks the right side of the front door, into a second dish closet ! Does this mean that Bobby is planning ahead and endorsing my obsession... er... hobby? OR is he just a smart man... "Happy wife, happy life!"
Now on to some of my white dishes.
Our kitchen facelift contractor kept the fronts of this pretty glass cabinet but made the cabinet deeper. It will be lighted! I am working on transferring my white dishes with "interesting edges" into this cabinet. It is a work in progress.
Here is a little look at another kitchen cabinet.
Behind those doors are the WORKHORSES of my kitchen, my everyday white dishes. Do you see Mikasa Italian Countryside (sigh!)?
To more efficiently use the cabinet I added some inexpensive plastic coated wire shelves.
Soup tureens are fun to collect and I love to put them to good use. They are displayed all over my kitchen.
This white ironstone soup tureen holds K cup coffees and teas. The other "soup tureen" (really a chamber pot) hold dog treats and chewies for one very spoiled little dog.
Congratulations to my friend The Tablescaper for 2 years of blogging excellence! Thanks for making the blogging world a bit sweeter! And thank you for your friendship, support, e-mails, concern and inspiration!
Please visit her wonderful site and see Where Do You Keep It All, Part II.
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