I have had quite a few e-mail recently asking my about "stacking dishes". Here is the answer to many questions in a post done earlier this year.
StoneGable has undergone a little facelift! My goal is to make StoneGable more reader friendly.The newest undertaking was adding TABS underneath the blog header.Organizing posts by topics in a TAB makes it so much easier to find a specific post or explore a topic of interest. These organized categories are filled with big pictures making it easy access to a particular post. And adding a HOME tab makes it a breeze to peruse StoneGable and get back home in a click.
Give it a try~ you can choose from many topics... TABLESCAPES, RECIPES, WEEKLY MENU, SPRING THINGS, TUTORIALS, IN THE GARDEN, HOME AND DECOR, SUNDAY SCRIPTURE and ASK STONEGABLE. I hope this makes finding and exploring StoneGable posts a whole lot easier...and prettier!
Another change~ I am pleased to introduce a reoccurring new segment called ASK STONGABLE. Many of my readers e-mail me and ask the same questions. That tells me there might be an overall interest in those topic. So, I am tackling the most often asked or interesting questions in post form. If you have a question, just click the ASK STONEGABLE tab for my e-mail address. I do try to answer all e-mails personally.
This brings us to today's post...
My dear reader Leslie writes:
Dear StoneGable,
I am so glad you have included this section in your "re-do". I have wanted to ask so many times the following:
1. Do you use each of the plates that you stack, or are some of them just to add interest?
2. Your tablescapes are beautiful, how do you serve the food? Does everyone sit and you pass the food around the table, or do you set it up buffet style? If the meal is served in courses, do you excuse yourself after each course, take up the dish(es) used and bring the next course?
Thank you so much for this great way to find out more about entertaining.
Thanks, Leslie! Today ASK STONEGABLE will be answering her first question: "Do you use each of the plates that you stack, or are some of them just to add interest?"
Leslie, Sometimes the courses I am serving match the number of stacked plates and sometime plates are just stacked for interest. It is more of a design question to me. It is all about the look I want to achieve and the plates I own that would work in my overall table design. When it comes to stacking plates, pretty wins out over function!
Examples: Just enough plates for the courses.
Example: Lots of stacking for interest, efffect and fun!
Here are some other ideas that I use often that may help you in designing your next tablescape!
When using the same pattern, add a dish of a differnt color or pattern in between. Even a napkin can be used to seperate the dishes.
Look for inexpensive dishes with interesting edges and shapes.
Place dishes on placemats or chargers to define a space. This adds color and texture to your table!
Break the rules, it's your table! I love the WOW effect some guest have when they see an over-the-top table!
Experiment! Play with your dishes! The same dish can have many looks.
Don't get too matchy-matchy.
Black is a fabulous accent color. It works wonderfully with white.
Keeping the color scheme to 2 colors (with accents or white or black) sets a beautiful table.
Napkins! And Napkin Rings!
Forgo fancy or expensive dinner plates, invest in interesting dishes or accent pieces to top off your stack. This is one of my most often used tricks. I much prefer a solid, especially white dinner plate. The topper will bring the pizazz to a table.
Tuck an interesting element between dishes for whimsy.
Surprise guests with a little take home gift perched on top of their plates.
Alternate dishes at each place setting if you do not have enough of 1 kind.
Setting a table should be fun for you and a treat for your guests! I say stack those dishes to your heart's content!
There are only a couple of hard and fast tablescaping rules I follow:
1- It's all about your guests. Hospitality over Entertaining!
2- Make it as pretty as time allows.
3- Fuss before the guests come. Enjoy the guest when they are at your home.
4- Don't let a messy house prevent you from having your friends over!
Thanks, Leslie! I hope that answers your question!
I am participating in
~Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps On The Porch
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