Sunday was a day I will remember my whole life! For several reasons.
My 24 year old son Christoper gave his very first sermon.
Christopher has been a youth pastor at Otterbein Church for 4 months. He has been through so much trying to figure out what God had for his precious life! By God's leading he has been hired by a wonderful, vibrant Bible church and feels so at peace and at home. He loves the leadership team, the congregation but most of all the youth!
Our family and some friends traveled to hear him preach and share his message. The senior pastor of Otterbein asked Christopher to tell his story, his passions and give a challenge. I cried throughout the entire message! I walked with Chris every one of those days he talked about... mostly on my knees! Days where he felt misdirected and sorta lost. I had so many deep conversations with him about faith, following God and not missing any blessing God had for him. I saw him struggle with what he thought he wanted and what God had purposed him to be! But isn't that the struggle in all of our lives!
I know that he is a grown man, but it's a Mother thing! He was such a joyful baby and a rambunctious, ornery little boy with a heart and a smile a mile wide! He loves better than anyone I know!
Although Christopher did not like school and was the quintessential Peter Pan, he graduated with honors from high school and college and is working on his Master's degree (M'Div) ... partly because I willed him to!
Christopher, Graduation Day from Liberty University
He loves sports and played football, baseball and golf since he was a little boy!
But more than anything else... Chris loves God!
I sat in the pew with my family and friends all gather around and listened to God pour His truth into my life through my son. The little boy I once poured all of my best into... is pouring THE best into my life now!
My heart is full because it is an awesome thing to see God work so mightily in your son's life, but even more because I was flooded with with God's love and a challenge for my life through his sermon!
I don't write this with a prideful heart, but with a heart full, no... overflowing with gratitude and love. I write this hoping you will share in my joy!
Christopher and his sweetheart, Chelsea 7/11
If you would like to listen to Christophers message, "WHAT IF" click HERE and click on the play button. I hope you will go and listen. You will hear Chris' story... our journey... and hopefully God will challenge you too through his message.
Christoper also has a new blog for parent of youth and youth leaders, called Dulous (Bondservant). Please click HERE to view it. It is a new, hard hitting look at today's youth and the culture they live in! It it a shockingly honest look!!!
~ For we are His (God's) workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 1:10
I am participating in:
THE WHITE FARMHOUSE INSPIRATIONAL PARTY at my friend's Maggie's! She is honoring one of our favorite bloggers!
I sat in the pew with my family and friends all gather around and listened to God pour His truth into my life through my son. The little boy I once poured all of my best into... is pouring THE best into my life now!
My heart is full because it is an awesome thing to see God work so mightily in your son's life, but even more because I was flooded with with God's love and a challenge for my life through his sermon!
I don't write this with a prideful heart, but with a heart full, no... overflowing with gratitude and love. I write this hoping you will share in my joy!
Christopher and his sweetheart, Chelsea 7/11
If you would like to listen to Christophers message, "WHAT IF" click HERE and click on the play button. I hope you will go and listen. You will hear Chris' story... our journey... and hopefully God will challenge you too through his message.
Christoper also has a new blog for parent of youth and youth leaders, called Dulous (Bondservant). Please click HERE to view it. It is a new, hard hitting look at today's youth and the culture they live in! It it a shockingly honest look!!!
~ For we are His (God's) workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 1:10
I am participating in:
THE WHITE FARMHOUSE INSPIRATIONAL PARTY at my friend's Maggie's! She is honoring one of our favorite bloggers!
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