Pink Saturday- Shades of the Pink Past:
Who knew that this
shade of pink could be so
emotional! Soft and sweet . A quiet witness to so many memories. I think that is why I love this wallpaper so much. Bought years ago- 14 to be exact, and lovingly hung by her father.

She slept and dressed and
danced and played and did all the things darling young girls do, in this very room. At night, we got under the covers and whispered “
girl talk” surrounded by these beautiful observing hydrangeas. Our giggling was like rain to them. They became wise, as I imparted every good and meaningful and sage thing to the
precious one beside me. They became wise because they were listening, too.

Did they bow there big, moppy heads as we
prayed together?
But, the pink lush
hydrangeas are saying good-bye. She is no longer here. They are silent and a bit sad because they no longer feel the breath of fresh air that blew into this room. And the sunshine of her enormous smile does not shine here.
She has grown-up... and their season is coming to an end. The wallflowers must have known. Didn’t she dress in her ethereal
bridal gown with them surrounding her? Like a circle of dewy-eyed bridesmaids. They must have been in
awe- we all were. I even saw them
blushing a little more pink that day- right along with her!

Thankfully, she has not left forever. She and her Prince Charming come to visit- and he calls her room- their room -"
pretty". He is talking about the pink hydrangeas for her furniture has gone with her, too. All that is left is a bed and the hydrangeas.
The hydrangeas are in the winter of their lives. It is time- all things have a season, even
pink flowers. The hydrangeas must come down. I asked
Prince Charming to choose the color scheme and style for redoing this bedroom. Taupes and browns and whites and silver. More contemporary and earthy. Rich woods and tailored fabrics. No place for “
pretty” pink hydrangeas! The landscape of her bedroom is in for a total transformation. Just like her life... all of our lives!

So… this is the last
hurrah for these pinkies! Saved like pressed flowers on the page of this entry.
I asked the little girl who turned into the
blushing bride what color she would want to use to accent her newly decorated room she sometimes visits and she answered… “
pink, of course! It is my
favorite color!”

I am joining Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound. Check all the other pinkies out!
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