I just got home from a RELAXING girl's weekend on the Chesapeake Bay. What fun to eat lunch on a big sailboat in a beautiful marina! The owner of the boat was kind enough to offer her boat as a setting for a tablescape. You bet I'll be traveling down to the Chesapeake very soon with a big box of dishes.
Don't we all need time to relax? I love to go away. No laundry to call for me, not pets needing my attention, no dusting, no cooking, no responsibilities! I sleep so well when I am away (as long as I have my own pillows!)...
But I love coming home even better! I really am a homebody. I love to putter! All the way home I was thinking of the little projects I have planned.
This week I am hoping to get a few silver spoon garden markers made and I would love to make a pillow or two for the family room sofa.
I'll also be spending hours and hours scraping the final wallpaper off walls in a bedroom we are redecorating. I have been putting this project on the back burner for awhile. Time to get to it!
I am looking forward to giving this bedroom soft white walls. My poor Bobby can't understand why I was so bent on painting all the walls and covering them with wallpaper 17 years ago, and now I want to paint the light and white! I keep telling him... "EVERYTHING HAS A LIFE CYCLE... THINGS GET TIRED... THINGS MOVE TOWARD CHAOS, DISARRAY AND DECAY IF WE DON''T TEND TO THEM...EVERYTHING HAS A LIFE CYCLE!"
But, hey... I'm talking to a guy who still has sweaters for the 1980's in the back of his closet.. and thinks they are still fine to wear! I guess he is saving them for his next wife because he will never wear them while I 'm his wife!
Now back to soft white paint.... Do you know how many white paints there are out there. I have a whole file box filled with white paint chips! Look for an upcoming posts, Choosing The Right White.
Now here's WHAT'S ON MY MENU...
Meatball Sandwiches On Crusty Rolls
Artichoke Salad
Perfectly Roasted Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Roasted Carrots
Orange Poached Salmon
Broccoli Slaw
Bourbon Barbecued Pork Chops
Tasty Taters
Sauteed Green Beans
Nani's Sauteed Chicken
Wide Noodles
Broccoli With Lemons
Grilled Tilapia
Thai-Style Grilled Eggplant Salad
Steaks On The Grill
Grilled Vegetables With Balsamic Dressing
Now what's On Your Menu...

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