Finding a new purpose for an old or unwanted item is such a thrill to me!
Sitting on my farmhouse kitchen counter are large glass jar holding cereal, flour, sugar and granola. But there is something else in these glass jars... somethings repurposed... that adds a gracenote to my kitchen...
These cups-turned-scoops look so interesting in the big jars! Each teacup measures exactly 1 cup. And they are so pretty!
To scoop out the contents of these great glass, see-everything jars I use old, mismatched blue and white tea cups.
I love this "rice china" teacup that is now a flour scoop. I "scooped it up" along with a whole box of blue and white for $4.00 at a flea market. It went from a castaway to an honored and useful tool in my kitchen. Its lovely shape and fetching design make measuring out flour almost an event!
I just purchased another big glass jar to contain a batch of homemade laundry soap I recently made. Now I am looking for another interesting tea cup scoop! Maybe a charming brown transferware.
Even if you don't display your flour in a glass jar or canister... how fun would it be to open your bag of flour and be greeted by a pretty teacup scoop!
I hope you will dig around your home or a flea market finding old teacups to rescue and repurpose!

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