Isn't it a rush to see something you think is fabulous and say, "I think I could make that"!
The first time I saw silver spoon plant markers I was captivated... and on a mission to make them! I could picture them in my herb garden, peeking out between all the green... adding their class and sass to my parsley and mint!
I have been gathering silver spoons and butter knives and forks with simple wide handles to create plant markers. The process of the silver hunt was just as rewarding and fun as making my collection into markers. You can't imagine how much inexpensive silver there is out there if you are looking!!!!
So, toss out those ugly plastic markers and bring some bling into you garden!!!
So, toss out those ugly plastic markers and bring some bling into you garden!!!
Here is an easy video tutorial to make SILVER SPOON PLANT MARKERS...
In my search for good instructions to make garden markers I came across this very easy and not overwhelming video tutorial.
Click HERE to view the video.
Click HERE to view the video.
I followed the steps closely in making my markers, with a couple of exceptions.
You will understand the exceptions better when you view the video...
~ I found that a big mallet works better than a hammer to pound out the spoon.
~ My husband has a small anvil on his work bench and it was easier and faster to use the anvil instead of pounding out the spoon on cement.
~I did not write the plant names with a marker on my spoon. Instead I drew a straight line across the middle of my spoon with a black marker for letter placement. I wanted somewhat straight lettering. I followed the video's instructions for engraving each letter on to the spoon.
~ When engraving each letter, try to pound it ONCE and use a good deal of force.
~ When engraving each letter, try to pound it ONCE and use a good deal of force.
~ I had to really rub HARD to remove the excess marker.
~ I found my steel stamping set on line. Just google steel stamping set and you will have many options.
~ I prefer 1/4 inch letters to 1/8 inch letter. I got both and the 1/4 inch letters are easier to see and they look more proportional.
As my garden fills in I'll show you how my SILVER SPOON PLANT MARKERS look in the garden!
Tips From My Readers:
Lisa from Simply...This That and The Other made some of these for a wedding gift and wrote "love" and "forever" on them. What a sweet idea Lisa! Thanks for sharing!!!
Sandi from The Primitive Skate suggested using rubbling alcohol to rub off the black magic marker.
I have the best readers!!!! Please read the comments for great ideas!

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