Hello! I've been waiting for you all week!
I was thrilled to be asked to be part of
Summer 2103 Showcase Of Homes!
Grab a cup of whatever and a snack and settle in... lots and lots of pictures here!
Ready for a tour?
Here are other homes on the tour today... Make sure and visit!
StoneGable is a farmhouse inspired home we built 18 years ago. It sits among the bucolic farmland of Lancaster County Pa... the heart of the Amish country. This land is rich in history and deep in tradition. If you would like to read about StoneGable click HERE.
One of my favorite thing about StoneGable is it's big wrap around porch.
If you like we could sit a little bit and rock... it's a great place to have a good cup of coffee!
Let's go inside...
Today I'll be showing you rooms that have been decorated within the last two years. We are updating and redecorating every room in our home... what a job!
We have lived large at StoneGable and it was beginning to look a little tired!!!!
Here's what we have updated so far...
The Kitchen...
Truly the kitchen is the heart of my home. I love love love to cook and entertain, so this is a kitchen that get tons of use!
It has a real modern farmhouse feel...
We freshened up our kitchen a couple of years ago. Not huge changes but lots and lots of character.
I keep the countertops pretty clear of clutter...
The island is the "meeting place" in our home!!! Family and guests seem to gravitate here.
Say HI to Earl! He is the guardian of my kitchen! I got him at FARMHOUSE DECOR... what a great online site!!!!
Aprons are a part of my "uniform" around the house!!! This is my "summer apron collection"!
Don't you love this fun dish hook? I got it at Luckett's a few years ago.
The Breakfast Room...
Our little breakfast room is where we have family meals. It connects the kitchen to the family room. If only these wall could talk. We are big storytellers so we have had many great laughs at this table!
Zinnias from my garden add to the vignette on the kitchen table.
The Family Room...
I like to call our family room... cozy! That's code for... boy is it dark!!! Taking pictures of this room is a bear!!!! I don't think I have ever tried to get a shot of the whole (well, almost whole) room. This is a first!
Do you have a room that you are always and forever will be changing and rearranging? This is mine!
I have plans to knock out the exterior wall and add tons of windows. The older I get the more I need light! But that project is down the road a bit.
This room is not done (surprise!)... keep an eye out for some big changes in the fall!!! Hint... hardwoods and painted furniture!
Last weekend I finished painting my curtains. To see how they turned out, click HERE.
To learn how I painted the curtains, click HERE

My sofa got a new slipcover!
This is it's debut!
I'll share all the slipcover details next week.
No one is allowed to sit on it until I Scotch Guard it!
The Dining Room...
This is a room that mixes the old and the old!!! Don't you love giving old pieces a second decor life? I sure do!
I was most excited about updating this room!
Getting rid of my 18th Century Mahogany tables and chairs was out of the question... so I painted the chairs and reupholstered them. What a job!!!! To see THE SAGA, PART I and THE SAGA, PART II click HERE and HERE
I also painted the buffet... I used the same paint on the chairs and buffet but applied them using different techniques. Different techniques equals very different looks! You can see how I painted the buffet by clicking HERE.
The Living Room...
In making over my living room I wanted a room that was on the formal side but very comfortable. The old living room furniture was pretty but not conducive to plopping down to read a book or have a nice chat.
This furniture is comfortable... and stain resistant! Both very important when you have light colored living room furniture!
My most recent addition to the living room is the Curlacue Chest. You can find out more about it by clicking HERE.
J and J Guest Bedroom...
The J and J stands for Jacquie and Jon... this room was my sweet daughter's bedroom. It was the very first room we worked on after Jacqueline got married.
Out went the pink and frills and pom-poms. We replaced her girly room with a serene bedroom for any guests... and of course our very favorite's... Jacquie and Jon.
You can read a sentimental post to my daughter about "Mapping Way... Home" by clicking HERE.
And a Tutorial about Aging A Map HERE.
It was important for me to keep this room very uncluttered, giving family and guests lots of space to spread out!!!
When we are expecting guests I put out a luggage rack under the window.
I just bought this bed tray (Pottery Barn Outlet). I can't wait to surprise our guests with a little nosh before breakfast!
Let's go outside.
When the weather is tolerable you will find me out here...
Puttering around my potting bench...
Or having dinner with Bobby on the side porch...
Or you just might find me in the garden...
I hope you have enjoyed visiting StoneGable and will come back often....I post everyday about American Farmhouse Living!!!!
My door is always open to friends... old and new!
Here is a recap of the other homes on tour this week...
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